Sunday 20 February 2011

Final Piece

My final piece was designed around a image i got in my head of a landscape that shows the city she is in as well as a pose that makes her look strong but not in combat again. I thought maybe if i had her sitting on a box or create it with a tough pose might give the muscularity as well as leaving plenty of room around the image to produce landscape.

Because i didn't use composition on my last image i wanted to use it on this one, I ending up choosing the Iconic 'Pay off' compomatstion as its mainly used to focus onto a single area, which is how i want my main focus to be on the whole of the character. What i did was i drew composition lies on a separate layer in which when i painted my character i could refer to so parts of the body could follow those lines.

I kinda could feel that light would come towards her but i didn't want to make it to plain with most of the image light so i moved the lighting lightly to the left so it would allow for some shadow.

From here i then chose to place a background into the scene which was the point i accepted that she would sit on an ammo box to make her seem more dangerous. I wasn't sure on the background to start with so i just drew in basic colour to see what i could do.

It was at that point the colours made me think that it could be a glass window in a tower behind her allowing me to experiment more with lighting and show distance in the image instead of being a solid wall. I had to remember basic principles with windows and light like how light the bounce off of her would and might bouce back in shadow areas giving off a reflection, also some light could reflect back and give a slight blue tinge to her sides.

Because i spent a lot of time on this one image i was able to add a lot of detail and make her feel like a fully thought out concept. I edited the background so that she could again could fit in the Iconic composition.

My final result was this image in which im proud of and i feel it sums up both the character of who she is and what she is like as well as giving a clue to what area she is in.

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